St.George Astronomy Group

Become a Member

Can you actively participate in our group; planning or hosting star parties, promoting dark skies, doing community outreach or helping with educational events; we need your help. Memberships Includes:

Memberships runs from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. New memberships in October through December will extend through to the entire following year. New members please fill out the membership form and send it to us. Membership Application Form

Individual Membership --- $25.00
Family Membership (two adults) --- $40.00
Lifetime Membership (individual) -- $250.00

Pay for Membership

St. George Astronomy Group
P.O. Box 910754
St. George, UT 84791

Join us on Facebook

If you are not ready or able to actively participate, but want to know when there are public events you can attend, then check our Calendar & Events tab, and follow us on the Facebook.

Request a Star Party

We do outreach Star Parties for schools, scouts, religious organizations, museums, libraries, and educational clubs. We also will do private star parties for weddings, reunions, corporate events for donations to our 501(c)(3). Please download our Star Party Request Form, fill it out, and email it to events to discuss the possibilities.

Other Questions or Information

Contact_us: Contact us!

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